When I was a new college graduate, I worked for a time in
New York City. During those months, I
would go to St. Patrick's Cathedral and pray in front of the Blessed Sacrament
in the Lady Chapel. As I was asking God
to me help to understand what I was called to do, I was mindful of the din of
the city noise outside. In that chapel,
I found comfort in the peaceful presence of our Lord and clarity in my
Almost one week ago, I sat in that same cathedral awaiting the arrival of Pope Francis. With the assembly gathered, I prayed the rosary using beads given to me by Saint John Paul II. Unlike my visits long ago, there was no noise emanating from outside the cathedral. All I could hear was the peaceful prayer of God's people awaiting our Holy Father. When the Pope arrived, he processed through the cathedral and went directly to the Lady Chapel, and then he prayed before the very same altar, my altar, where I first prayed about my vocation. How incredible this was.
Almost one week ago, I sat in that same cathedral awaiting the arrival of Pope Francis. With the assembly gathered, I prayed the rosary using beads given to me by Saint John Paul II. Unlike my visits long ago, there was no noise emanating from outside the cathedral. All I could hear was the peaceful prayer of God's people awaiting our Holy Father. When the Pope arrived, he processed through the cathedral and went directly to the Lady Chapel, and then he prayed before the very same altar, my altar, where I first prayed about my vocation. How incredible this was.
The words Pope Francis spoke that night were powerful and
encouraging to me. The Holy Father took
me back to where it began for me. Having now the perspective of 18 years of
priesthood, it was an incredible reaffirmation of the discernment that began
right there, 25 years ago.
During the homily, Pope Francis said
We can get caught up measuring the value of our apostolic works by the standards of efficiency, good management and outward success which govern the business world. Not that these things are unimportant! We have been entrusted with a great responsibility, and God’s people rightly expect accountability from us. But the true worth of our apostolate is measured by the value it has in God’s eyes. To see and evaluate things from God’s perspective calls for constant conversion.

I am a person who feels most comfortable at home. I desire to be close to my family and my ministry. It is with some anxiety that I take this time. It is truly hard for me to let go. But I am eager to follow Pope Francis, back to Rome and along the path of priestly ministry that he is leading us.
I anticipate that I will find opportunities to share the experience via this blog in the weeks ahead. I ask you to pray for me.
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