Our day appropriately began in Nazareth the home town of
the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Our first stop was the celebration
of mass at the Church of St. Joseph built on the historical site of the home of
the Holy Family
It was then a short walk to the Basilica of the Annunciation, one of the most important of the Christian holy sites in Israel.
After visiting the main church we made our way to the lower church which has preserved the staircase of the Blessed Mother's home and the place of her fiat that she spoke to the Angel Gabriel.
We then traveled a short distance to Cana, we we sampled some Wedding wine and then our married couples renewed their vows and received a blessing upon their marriage.
Our days journey took us to panoramic views of Mount Carmel
The long day concluded in the King Herod's ancient town of Caesarea, including the theatre, hippodrome, and seaport.
The sun has set on our time in Galilee. Tomorrow morning we head to the Jordan River, Mount Tabor and on to Jerusalem.
Please send us your prayer intentions and keep us in your prayers.Our day appropriately began in Nazareth the home town of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
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