As we approached the first anniversary of the election of Pope Francis, I knew that I wanted to offer some kind of reflection on him and the phenomena that the first year of his pontificate has been. I was not interested in offering some kind of analysis of his impact or a presenting a survey of the various ways in which his words or actions have been received. In my wonderment of what was intriguing me to say anything, I found myself focusing my thoughts on the man himself and what this year has been for him personally.

I have been blessed to visit the Sistine Chapel twice in my life. My first experience was like many tourists, not knowing where to look while you are quickly ushered through. The second time I went, I made a choice that I would spend my brief time focused on the this scene of The Last Judgement. I could not help but be overwhelmed by it. It was not a static two dimensional painting that I saw, but an image of great movement; people being swept up to heaven with the Lord's right hand and others sliding into the netherworld after confronting the forearm of his left. "Which direction am I headed?" I asked myself. In one united gesture, the resurrected and glorified body of Christ says, "Come inherit the Kingdom, to you did it for me." and "Depart to you who did not do it for me." With this image before him, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio said, "Accepto" in acceptance of his election as Supreme Pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church. I believe it is with this image in mind, that Pope Francis has lived this first year of his pontificate. He has asked us in his preaching, teaching and action if we are willing to accept the standards of this Last Judgement.

"Do you accept?" is the question of discipleship. Do you accept the mandate to do for me, who did it for you? Do you accept the challenge to die to self service and selfishness. Do you accept the admonition to do for the least not because you recognize Christ in them but more importantly when you can't see the good in them? Do you accept the cross of laying down your life for the will of the Father and the care of His people?

I think Pope Francis understands how hard it is for us to accept the standard of the Last Judgement. A year ago I prayed that the new Pope would make me a better person and a priest. In coming to "know" him, I know that he has accepted the mission to help me understand the measure by which I will be judged and has challenged me to say, "I accept."
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