So often in life when we experience a tragedy, we react by trying to determine fault. While understanding the cause of one's sorrow is certainly helpful in preventing another failure, the pursuit of fault never brings healing in of itself. Knowing who is to blame and punishing those who are responsible are steps in a process of justice but are not necessarily helpful in healing the wound.

Whose fault is sin and suffering in the world? God the Father does not answer the question but submits the Son to the cross, so that innocent one pays the price of punishment for the fault and the sinner can now be redeemed.
Whose fault is the crucifixion? It is our fault, yours and mine. We were not there historically but we share in the same sins that lead the innocent one to be put to death. When we admit our fault, confess our sins and seek absolution we are healed from the wounds of our sin.

The Exsultet which is the proclamation sung at the Easter Vigil, states very beautifully, "O happy fault that earned so great, so glorious a Redeemer!" This is our spirit as we begin Holy Week. We enter with hearts and minds not seeking a justification that comes from blame but instead we seek to rejoice over a justification that comes from love.
Although I am almost six months behind in making this comment, I want to let you know that I have copied the picture of the "child" holding the legs of Jesus and His arms comforting His brother. Love it and have shared it with my entire email book but especially with my nephew, who at 41 has been diagnosed with esophageal cancer with little hope from his doctor. I have share that God loves us sooo much and that we just cannot understand this awesome love but that it hold tight to our Lord as this time of trial is upon you. I hope that if you read this you might add Curt to your prayers. jane
Thank you for your comments. We will keep Curt in our prayers here.
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