For whatever reason, as a child, I remember
adults often asking each other at social gatherings a question that I thought
was strange. Shortly after arrival,
coats now off and initial greetings expressed someone could be heard asking,
“How did you get here?
"The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway"
Attributed to Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta
Friday, December 25, 2015
Tuesday, December 08, 2015

The Catholic Church has begun a universal celebration of an Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy. This is more than an a marketing theme or a catchy slogan put forth by the church. The Jubilee is a year which celebrates the remission of sins and the alleviation of suffering that comes from sin. It is a time of reconciliation and of conversion through sacramental penance. It is a year dedicated to solidarity, hope, justice and serving God in the spirit of joy and peace with everyone. Above all, the Jubilee Year is a year of Christ, the giver of life and of grace to humanity. It is called a “Holy Year” because it is celebrated with sacred rites and its mission is the holiness of human life. A Jubilee year is referred to as "Ordinary," if it falls after a set period of years (generally 50 or 25 years); and extraordinary if it is declared as a celebration of an event of outstanding importance. Pope Francis has declared an Extraordinary Jubilee Year dedicated to the theme of mercy, "as a special time for the Church, a time when the witness of believers might grow stronger and more effective." Misericordiae Vultus 3 I very much agree with the Holy Father, we are in a time when mercy is most needed. The world needs Good News and the act of mercy is authentic preaching of that Good News.
I found it sadly ironic, however, that on the day Pope Francis marked the beginning of this jubilee year by the opening the Holy Doors of St. Peter's Basilica, the most merciless of statements was made by a front running candidate for the presidency of the United States, calling for the barring of all Muslims from entering the United States (immigrants and visitors alike.) This declaration follows a more recent one, which sought a mandatory registry of all Muslims living in the United States. This candidate calls himself a Christian, but no man or woman of any faith can hold these positions.
Long before Pope Francis, Pope Saint John Paul II wrote an encyclical on mercy. One significant point he made was that the human thirst for dominance has left no room for mercy.
The present-day mentality...seems opposed to a God of mercy...The word and the concept of "mercy" seem to cause uneasiness in man, who, thanks to the enormous development of science and technology, never before known in history, has become the master of the earth and has subdued and dominated it. This dominion over the earth, sometimes understood in a one-sided and superficial way, seems to have no room for mercy. Dives in Misericordia 2:3
Saint John Paul goes on to say that this desire for domination, as opposed to mercy, leads to a false sense of justice.
Often programs which start from the idea of practice suffer from distortions. Although they continue to appeal to the idea of justice...other negative forces have gained the upper hand over justice, such as spite, hatred and even cruelty...The desire to annihilate the enemy, limit his freedom, or even force him into total dependence, becomes the fundamental motive for action; and this contrasts with the essence of justice, which by its nature tends to establish equality and harmony between the parties in conflict. Dives in Misericordia 12:3Exclusion from society because of one's religious identification can not be accept as a just response to violence and terror. Such a perspective is not only unjust to the persons to which this is applied, but it also accelerates intolerance, which will ultimately lead to the justification for persecution of any and all faiths. One only needs to remember the famous poem First They Came by Rev. Martin Niemoller to be awakened to the dangers of a ideological bigotry. If we can not show mercy, we can not expect that it will be shown to us.
Mercy is relational, not ideological. The deep wounds of our world are the result of merciless acts of those who do not know God. May this year of mercy bear fruit for those who share our faith and our culture as well as in the lives of those we fear.
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Saint Paul prays for the Christian congregation in the city of Thessalonica with these words.
"Brothers and sisters: May the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all, just as we have for you." [1 Thes 3:1]
As we hear him pray for an abundance of love among fellow believers it is important for us to understand the context in which his prayer is offered is one of "Advent" spirit. St. Paul prays that there might be an abundant love among them, as an expression of faith in the anticipation of the return of Christ. May you love one another, not simply because it is a nice thing to do, but love because of your faith that Christ has come and will come again because of his love for us.
The sense of “advent” was very real to even the earliest of the Christian communities. They lived their lives not assuming that the reunion with Christ was far off, but imminent. They also did not anticipate that coming in fear, but with a joyful expectation. For them and for us, that coming of Christ is something we long for; in history and in our own passing from this life.
How do we prepare for that reunion? Do we anticipate meeting the Lord and offering him all the times we fought against something or will we be able to show him all the times our actions show what we were for? Will we present to him the times and places in which we acted with love, or we only be able to offer him the occasions of our righteous anger? We he only see our lamentations of suffering or our works of mercy?
Advent is a season of anticipation which leads us to celebrating the Christ in Jesus of Nazareth. It begins, however, as a time to anticipate the ultimate and final coming of Christ. We are called therefore to spend time, during this season, reflecting on the implications of that reality. The birth of Jesus is the Father’s response to humanity and so we prepare by reflecting on the forgiveness of God, God’s compassion, and God’s love. We look forward by looking back at where we have seen God in our lives and where we long for him in our future.
I pray that as we begin this advent season that we actively anticipate the birth of Christ by reflecting, praying and loving. What is your prayer this Advent?
Friday, November 20, 2015
I thank all who have been a prayerful support and have shared my sabbatical with me. Enjoy this farewell video.
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Relic of the chains which bound St. Peter during his captivity in Rome |
The final week of my sabbatical program here in Rome was a retreat given to us by the theologian of the Papal Household, Fr. Wojciech Giertych, O.P. Fr. Giertych's led us in examining the discipleship of Peter, as seen from the perspective of Mark's gospel. It has long been a tradition in scripture scholarship that the author of Mark's gospel is a companion of Peter, who writes for the Christian community in 1st century Rome. For the purpose of the retreat, Father asked us to read this gospel as Peter remembering his time with Jesus. From this lens, we were seeing the gospel's perspective not as one of triumph but also a reflection of Peter's regrets and failure's along the way. Peter is harsh on himself and the other disciples and therefore tells the story of the Good News, from one who was weak, sometimes failed and maybe perhaps wished he could go back and re-do what he had missed. As Peter approaches death, he remembers what he has done and what he has failed to do.
We were blessed with many insights during the talks, but the overall theme stuck with me. As I leave Rome, part of my sadness is that I look back on the 7 weeks and reevaluate what I could have taken better advantage of. I know that in my life too, I can get stuck on past failures and missed opportunities. Our meditation on Mark's Gospel, as Peter's reflection on his past, brought us to a closer realization and acceptance of the fact that it is not about our accomplishments and satisfaction. "Thy will be done," we pray. The Father's will is done, not through me but through Christ who chooses me as he chose Peter, with human weakness clearly evident. I may never feel completely accomplished, but the real measure is what has God accomplished through me.
I don't think in offering us these insights we were being encouraged to not worry about our shortcomings, but rather to recognize the love of Christ for me, who fails, and because he loves me, he asks me as he asked Peter, "Do you love me?....Feed my sheep."
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Celebrating Mass at the nearby church dedicated to St. Onafrio. The rector of the church is the brother of a Holy Family parishioner |
Sunday, November 15, 2015
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Fr. Gerard Gentleman with Diocese of Rockville Centre Seminarians Alexander Turpin, Michael Bissex and Leo Song after celebrating Mass together at St. Peter's Basilica |
"I will give you shepherds after my own heart" (Jer. 3:15).
In these words from the prophet Jeremiah, God promises his people that he will never leave them without shepherds to gather them together and guide them:
Saturday, November 07, 2015
MALTA - A Pilgrimage Experience
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St. Paul's Island, Malta - The sight of the shipwreck of the vessel carrying the imprisoned St. Paul to Rome |
In reviewing the outline of my Roman sabbatical program, the pilgrimage to Malta intrigued me on two levels. First, I questioned how this fit the theme of the sabbatical module on evangelization and second, I wondered, what there really was to do in Malta. My questions were more then answered in these five days.
Friday, October 30, 2015
We head for Malta tomorrow and won't be able to update the blog until I return next weekend. So enjoy the update video
Sunday, October 25, 2015
IMAGINATION, The Art of Faith Proclaimed
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The Chapel at Casa O'Toole - the site of the Institute of Continuing Education for Priests at the Pontifical North American College |
These days of sabbatical, which have been devoted to preaching, have often evoked a discussion on imagination. Through these discussions I have come to a renewed understanding of the importance of creativity in preaching.
Monday, October 19, 2015
ASSISI - Discerning God's Holy Will
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The Church of San Damiano outside of Assisi The original cross was moved by the Poor Clares to the basilica in Assisi dedicated to St. Clare |
St. Francis of Assisi's Prayer before the Cross
Most high, glorious God,
illuminate the darkness of my heart.
Give me right faith,
perfect charity,
profound humility.
Give me Lord,
judgement and discernment
to fulfill your true and holy will.
The first time I can recall the word, "discernment," it
Sunday, October 11, 2015
FAMILY - Our deepest experience
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© Mazur/
Pope Francis prays before an icon of the Holy Family at the prayer vigil ahead of the opening of the Synod on Families |
Sabbatical reflections
Vatican City
Tuesday, October 06, 2015
When I arrived here at the Casa O'Toole on the grounds of the Pontifical North American College for the beginning of my sabbatical program, I was welcomed and taken to my room on the 3rd floor. "Go over to the desk and open the window," the director of the program said to me. When I did so, the view above is what I saw. Today I moved some of the furniture around so I did not have to reach over the desk each day to open the window to let the awesome view of St. Peter's Basilica into my room.
In looking out onto this historic symbol of the Church and the incarnation of Christ from my room, I recalled words from Saint Ambrose that I read on the flight over. In speaking of the admonition of Jesus to "go into your room (to pray,)" St. Ambrose comments...
A hope for me during this blessed time is that I am opened in a new way to the voice of God. I pray that I may open the window of my soul a bit more, so as to let the grandeur God enlighten my innermost being. This too is the goal of preaching, the subject matter of my first 3 weeks here. As a preacher, the words preached are most effective when they touch the inner soul of the hearer. As a preacher, one must first be able to encourage the hearer to open the window of the soul, to let that word in.But by “room” you must understand, not a room enclosed by walls that imprison your body, but the room that is within you, the room where you hide your thoughts, where you keep your affections. This room of prayer is always with you, wherever you are, and it is always a secret room, where only God can see you.
Before obeying the direction to "open the window," I asked, "why?" "Just do it," my host said. How often we are reluctant to be open, without knowing the outcome before hand. As I begin my weeks here, I ask you to pray that I may be open to the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. Through this openness, may I grow in my own faith and therefore be able to offer to you God's word in a more effective way.
Know that I pray for you, that you too might, "just do it," and open the window of your soul to the greatness of God.
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
ROMEWARD BOUND - A personal reflection on the visit of Pope Francis

When I was a new college graduate, I worked for a time in
New York City. During those months, I
would go to St. Patrick's Cathedral and pray in front of the Blessed Sacrament
in the Lady Chapel. As I was asking God
to me help to understand what I was called to do, I was mindful of the din of
the city noise outside. In that chapel,
I found comfort in the peaceful presence of our Lord and clarity in my
Almost one week ago, I sat in that same cathedral awaiting the arrival of Pope Francis. With the assembly gathered, I prayed the rosary using beads given to me by Saint John Paul II. Unlike my visits long ago, there was no noise emanating from outside the cathedral. All I could hear was the peaceful prayer of God's people awaiting our Holy Father. When the Pope arrived, he processed through the cathedral and went directly to the Lady Chapel, and then he prayed before the very same altar, my altar, where I first prayed about my vocation. How incredible this was.
Almost one week ago, I sat in that same cathedral awaiting the arrival of Pope Francis. With the assembly gathered, I prayed the rosary using beads given to me by Saint John Paul II. Unlike my visits long ago, there was no noise emanating from outside the cathedral. All I could hear was the peaceful prayer of God's people awaiting our Holy Father. When the Pope arrived, he processed through the cathedral and went directly to the Lady Chapel, and then he prayed before the very same altar, my altar, where I first prayed about my vocation. How incredible this was.
The words Pope Francis spoke that night were powerful and
encouraging to me. The Holy Father took
me back to where it began for me. Having now the perspective of 18 years of
priesthood, it was an incredible reaffirmation of the discernment that began
right there, 25 years ago.
During the homily, Pope Francis said
We can get caught up measuring the value of our apostolic works by the standards of efficiency, good management and outward success which govern the business world. Not that these things are unimportant! We have been entrusted with a great responsibility, and God’s people rightly expect accountability from us. But the true worth of our apostolate is measured by the value it has in God’s eyes. To see and evaluate things from God’s perspective calls for constant conversion.

I am a person who feels most comfortable at home. I desire to be close to my family and my ministry. It is with some anxiety that I take this time. It is truly hard for me to let go. But I am eager to follow Pope Francis, back to Rome and along the path of priestly ministry that he is leading us.
I anticipate that I will find opportunities to share the experience via this blog in the weeks ahead. I ask you to pray for me.
Friday, May 22, 2015
PENTECOST & MEMORIAL DAY - Renew the Face of the Earth
There is growing expectation for Pope Francis' soon to be released encyclical on the environment. Some may question why the Pope would devote a teaching letter to this issue. Most certainly we know that we are called to be good stewards of the earth. A pope writing on such an issue is not simply concerned with the physical preservation of the planet. The state of the physical environment is also a symbolic expression of the state of the world and its people.

If our outrage was genuine would there not be riots over the shooting death of a 14 year old boy?
If we truly cared about injustice would not the shooting death of a police officer and mother of a new born child cause an outburst of indignation.
Or if all lives matter shouldn't we be outraged that nearly 1 in 3 minority children are aborted every year?
As we celebrate Pentecost this weekend we also celebrate Memorial Day and remember those whose lives were lost in service to the protection of life. We do not honor those who died for peace with the perpetuation of violence. We do not respond to injustice with further violations of justice. And we do not reserve our outrage to those protests which are politically correct or elevated by the media. We can not seek the physical healing of the earth without understanding that the healing of humanity is constitutive to that effort.
May this classic prayer to the Holy Spirit be our guide for what we seek, renewal, a fire of love and wisdom
May this classic prayer to the Holy Spirit be our guide for what we seek, renewal, a fire of love and wisdom
Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love.
Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created.
And You shall renew the face of the earth.
O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations,
Through Christ Our Lord, Amen.
Saturday, May 09, 2015
A mother's love is of God...and we need more of it.
At mass this weekend, the scripture readings speak of God’s love and the unconditional nature of it. They are fitting words as we celebrate our mothers and give thanks for the ministry of motherhood. In many ways, a mother’s love is the best example of what God’s love “looks like.” Its not always pretty and to the outside observer, it may not make sense. This week I found a reflection that I found both unimaginatively compassionate and at the same time hard to accept. I want to share it with you because it is a genuine example of the conflicted love we try to live. They are the words of a teacher named Becki Norris, who testified during the penalty phase of the man convicted of the Boston Marathon bombings. In her explanation for testifying she said in part:
Over the past two years, I have had to accept that a kind and gentle temperament is not a lifetime guarantee, and a smart and caring child can go far, far down an evil path...I testified to help the jury see why he might be spared the death penalty. I also hoped to show him, in spite of what he has done, that someone cares about him as a person....
I urge you to read the whole reflection in its entirety, (Why I Testified On Behalf Of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev) because I know that in reading it I was challenged to ask, "Is this what Christians are supposed to do? Is this what the mandate to love is all about?" Personally I don’t know.

We have all heard the phrase which labels someone as one whom, “only a mother can love,” and we all have encountered people in life, that only God can love. As disciples we have to challenge ourselves, once in a while, to be the person through which God loves the “unlovable.” It is most certainly not easy to love. Mrs. Norris' life would be less challenging if she never loved this young man, if she was ignorant of his unique humanity that engaged her. But she dared to love this student, and now she bears the pain of that love. Would she have preferred not to have ever known and loved him? Would a mother prefer to have never loved her child? Would God?
Love is of God, it is not an act of human manifestation. In a world that continues to be torn apart by violence - we seek a divine intervention. We seek love and God seeks to love -- through us. The world can not heal without love. We desperately pray for peace, for freedom from terror and terrorist. We pray that there be less people in the world like this man. But we also must pray for more people like this teacher and mother. On this Mother’s day, may the divine ministry of motherhood provide us an example and a challenge to love one another as we have been loved.
Friday, February 27, 2015
Why Lent? Its a crazy thought.
If you follow my Twitter or Instagram accounts, you know I have spent the last few days in the frozen tundra of Sag Harbor on retreat. I posted the pictures as a way of sharing the solitude of the experience, knowing that not many get the gifted opportunity of going on retreat. I also wanted to make sure people knew I wasn't on a beach somewhere. Actually, it was a beach, but you get the point, I hope.

Even though I am not a fan of winter, I find it is the best time for me to go on retreat. There is something about winter that encourages the necessary environment of solitude. The season of Lent is also an opportune time for me - in that my spiritual psyche is directed toward renewal at this time of year. I feel supported by the recollective spirit of the liturgical season. A retreat is a restorative time that I think gives us the opportunity to believe in the possible, for me therefore, looking at frozen bays, several feet of snow and dead branches on trees helps me to have hope for new life.
Lent is therefore a time of retreat for all of us. A time to believe in the hope that new life is possible. We anticipate the celebration of the resurrection of the Lord and the renewed life of faith that is possible for each of us. Our own renewal is important not just on a personal level but when we are renewed we see the world differently and we have an increased desire to bring about the change that we seek, as well as what the Lord wishes for us.
I want to share a brief insight, therefore, that was a part of my retreat reflection. As I began the retreat I was using the 15th Chapter of John's Gospel as a source for contemplation. It is Jesus' discourse on the vine and the branches. The passage actually continues a bit into the 16th chapter. It was there that I found these words.
In fact the hour is coming when everyone who kills you, will think he is offering worship to God. -John 16:2

I've been saying mass each day for me and the sisters who live here, as I prepared the readings today I had a strange thought when I read this passage from the first reading.
Do I indeed derive any pleasure from the death of the wicked? says the Lord GOD. Do I not rather rejoice when he turns from his evil way that he may live? -Ez 18:23
Here comes the strange thought. What if the Saddam Hussein's, Bin Laden's and the Hitler's of the world had had saw the error of their ways, under went a conversion, admitted they were wrong and asked forgiveness? Wouldn't that have been more powerful then ending their evil with their deaths? Crazy right? Impossible even. I told you, crazy thoughts come from retreats. Surely it is hard for us to see this as possible, but can you understand why the Lord says the rejoicing comes not from the death of the wicked but in their conversion? God cares about souls first and foremost so there is no joy for God in lost souls. But think too of the power that conversion would have had in these examples. These men had power to do great evil, think of the power their conversion would have been. Through evil, they had great influence, would their power be as great if they were to as they were as passionate in their conversion? I know -- crazy thoughts.

But here is where I found myself going with this. At the beginning of the retreat I desired the destruction of evil but at the end I was musing on the greater power of conversion. In our own lives we seek to destroy evil within ourselves. We try to root it out of our relationships and all that we encounter. Isn't that why we discipline ourselves during Lent? Actually its not. We discipline ourselves so that we might be changed, that we might turn away from what is sinful not because we drive it out, but because through our Lenten journey we encounter the merciful love of God who gave his only Son. Christ comes not to destroy us or the evil with in, but to change us through mercy. Could my greater sense of God's mercy for me influenced these crazy thoughts? I think so.
We all struggle with forgiveness. How can I forgive the one who hurt me so much? Firstly, we forgive so that the evil which has been done to me no longer dominates me. More importantly, we forgive so that mercy may prompt conversion. We go through the retreat of Lent so that we might know mercy and be transformed by that mercy. Transformed we understand the power of mercy, the power to save a soul rather than loose it. The power to not perpetuate death but dissolve its power.
I hope you can find some solitude during these weeks of Lent, so that you might have a greater awareness of what is possible in you and through you because of the mercy of the Father and the Son.
Why Lent? Because only in the barren solitude would we have such crazy thoughts.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
We All Matter
“All lives matter.” This statement has been an inclusive response to the unrest we have experienced in our communities. Rather than extolling the rights of one particular race or class, the most appropriate message is that no life is less worthy of the dignity and respect due to all people, for we are made in the image and likeness of God
The phrase came to my mind again last week during the coverage of the terrorist attacks in France. The supposed reason for the attacks was a perceived disrespect for the Islamic faith. The attackers in turn violated the
right to free speech, no matter how ugly, and the most essential right that even the lives of our enemies matter. As disturbing as this event was, I found the lack of attention given to terrorist attacks in Nigeria last week, to be a painful reminder that our public reactions often reveal that all lives don’t matter equally.
Last Saturday, explosives, strapped to a girl who appeared to be about 10-years-old, detonated, killing at least 20 people in a Nigerian village. Furthermore it is believed that militants killed as many as 2,000 people, mostly Nigerian civilians, in a massacre that started the weekend before the terror attack in Paris. While world leaders united in Paris to stand in solidarity against terrorism, hardly a public statement was made about the atrocities in Nigeria. In fact, Nigeria’s own president publicly expressed sympathy and Nigeria's "full solidarity" with the people of France, but he failed to do the same for the victims of terrorism in his own country. Do not all lives matter?
This week hundreds of thousands of people will participate in the annual March for Life in Washington D.C. Some estimates say that 1 in 4 Americans who live east of the Mississippi river participate in this event each year. During any given year there will be extensive media coverage of rallies and marches that garner hundreds, or at the most, thousands of participants yet this march is hardly ever reported. Do not all lives matter? Do not demonstrations advocating a respect for life matter?
The reason people of all faiths and ethnicities participate in the March for Life, is very simply that, all lives matter. Why do we see so many acts of violence at
home and abroad? It is simply because our societies have devolved into accepting that certain lives don’t matter. Poverty and racism are a result of a genuine acceptance that some lives matter less than others. At the root of the pro-life movement is the very simple belief that, all lives matter. If I cannot state unequivocally that the LIFE of an unborn child matters, where is my credibility when I profess that the lives of the poor, minorities, and other underrepresented people matter?
St. Paul teaches us that we are all equally members of the body of Christ and our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. Therefore all lives matter. We cannot accept that the victims of terrorism in one country seem to matter more than victims in another land. We cannot accept that lives of the victims of poverty, racism and violence deserve our attention any more than the millions of unborn lives that are lost each year. Nor can we say that these unborn lives matter more than their mothers and fathers who are terrified by a crisis pregnancy.
I pray that each of us who take this faith of ours seriously, examine our conscience, and reevaluate those times and places in our lives when we did not respect the dignity of life. For in the eyes of God – all lives matter.
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